
This is a step-by-step guide to setting up your own NIIIFTY instance using Firebase and Vercel.

fig 1

First, fork the NIIIFTY github repository to your own github profile.

fig 2

git clone your NIIIFTY fork to your local filesystem

fig 3

Go to your Firebase console and click Add project.

fig 4

Give your project a name and click Continue
Leave Google Analytics enabled.
Click Create Project.
Once your project is created, click Continue.

fig 5

In your firebase console, click the cog icon next to Project Overview and select Usage and Billing.
Under the Details and Settings tab, select Modify Plan. Select the Blaze Plan.

fig 6

Click the cog icon next to Project Overview and select Project settings. Scroll down to Your apps, and select Web App.

fig 7

Give your app a nickname and click Register app. We'll be using Vercel for hosting, so leave Firebase Hosting unchecked.

fig 8

Copy the firebaseConfig object values to your clipboard and click Continue to console.

fig 9

Open your locally-cloned NIIIFTY project in VSCode.
Find the niiifty.config.ts file and paste in your Firebase config values.

fig 10

Set basicAuthDisabled to true

fig 11

Browse to and create an account. Once your account is created, navigate to Account and Create an API Token.

fig 12

Give your token a name, e.g. NIIIFTY Tutorial and click Create.
Copy your newly created API token to the clipboard.

fig 13

In vscode, add a .env file to your functions folder. Add WEB3_STORAGE_API_KEY=[pasted key from clipboard]

fig 14

In your firebase console, click the cog icon next to Project Overview and select Project settings.
Under the General tab, find the Project ID and copy it.

fig 15

In vscode, open the .firebaserc file.
Paste your project ID into the default value.
If you do not already have the Firebase CLI installed, please install it.
Once installed, open a command prompt in the root of your firebase project and type:

firebase use default
You should see a message similar to Now using alias default (niiifty-tutorial)

In your command prompt, now type:

cd functions
npm i

Once the node modules are installed, type:

cd ../ 
npm run deploy

Once deployed to Firebase, you should see a success message.

fig 16

In your Vercel account, select Add New then Project.

fig 17

Find your NIIIFTY fork and select Import

fig 18

Name your project e.g. niiifty-tutorial and select Deploy.
Once deployed, select Continue to Dashboard.
Here you can see the domain assigned to your project
In vscode, add this domain to the site section of your niiifty.config.ts file.

fig 19

In your Firebase console, expand Build in the left-hand menu and select Authentication.
Under Additional providers, select Google.
Select enable.
Under Project public-facing name, enter niiifty-tutorial (or another name of your choice).
Under Project support email, enter an email address (e.g. your gmail address).
Click Save.

fig 20

Under Authentication > Settings, select Authorised domains
Add your vercel project domain, e.g. (this can be found on your vercel project dashboard).

fig 21

In your Firebase console, expand Build in the left-hand menu and select Firestore Database.
Select Create Database.
Leave the settings on their default values and click Next.
Choose a region for your database and click Enable.

fig 22

In your Firebase console, expand Build in the left-hand menu and select Firestore Database.
Select Create Database.
Leave the settings on their default values and click Next.
Choose a region for your database and click Enable

fig 23

In your Firebase console, expand Build in the left-hand menu and select Storage.
Click Get Started.
Leave the settings on their default values and click Next, then Done.

fig 24

In your Firebase console, expand Build in the left-hand menu and select Functions.
Click Get Started, Continue, and Finish.

fig 25

Browse to your Google Cloud console
Select your project in the drop down menu at the top.
Expand the left menu and select Cloud Storage.
Select your project's public bucket, e.g.

fig 26

Select the Permission tab, then Grant Access.

fig 27

In the expanded side panel, add New principles allUsers, with a Role of Storage Object Viewer.
Click Save.
Confirm Allow Public Access.

fig 28

Now select the Configuration tab in your bucket settings and copy the gsUtil vale.

fig 29

Activate Cloud Shell and type in

printf '[{"origin": ["*"],"responseHeader": ["*"],"method": ["GET","POST","HEAD"],"maxAgeSeconds": 86400}]' > cors.json 
gsutil cors set cors.json [gsUtil]

replacing [gsUtil] with your gsUtil value.
You may be prompted to authorise Cloud Shell, click Authorise.
You can now access the files generated by NIIIFTY via CORS.

Setup Complete

Congratulations! If you now visit your Vercel project's URL e.g. you will be able to create an account associated with your Gmail address and start uploading files!